I’ve tried so many eye improvement herbs and formulas over the years that I can’t even count how many. There are lots of herbs that have been proven through research to help eyesight including Bilberry (US Army and Air Force) Carotenoids such as Lutein, Zeaxanthin, saffron, marigold and good old carrot juice.
Have you ever heard of Gac fruit? (Momordica cochinchinensis) This amazing Asian red fruit is packed with eye vitamins. In fact it has way more vitamins per oz of juice than any other fruit or vegetable overall – way more Beta-Carotene than carrots and way more Lycopene than tomatoes. Its loaded with Vitamins A & C and has lots of Iron. Its also good for the heart and skin. A true anti-aging superfood !! Its been used for over 1000 years in Asian medicine by many many people who have reported how this amazing super fruit has helped improve their eyesight.
You can get powdered Gac from Asia online, but be careful where you order. Its easy to take, just mix a teaspoon of the dry Gac powder into a cup of orange juice or smoothie, mix it in and drink. Here’s one I like: https://amzn.to/32QeUPE
May I also recommend a consultation with an eye expert who uses herbal remedies to improve eyesight as well as other scientific medical analysis methods to get your eyes back to normal. He can work remotely with some new scanning technology that works over the internet… and it works!
Dr. Swarthout OD, ND. the eye expert
https://www.myhealthguru.net/category/doctors-gurus/ (a link on this site – Doctors and Gurus page)
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